Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm pretty sure I forgot to mention...

... I'm having another baby. And fairly soon. As in, September soon.
Check out the cool counter thingy at the bottom of the page. Sinclair the turtle is going to count down the days for me. And it's no coincidence he's a turtle. This pregnancy is stretching on forever.
I've negelcted to say anything because apart from the actual fact of having a baby, there's been nothing to celebrate. I've been crippled with hyperemises (the devil's version of morning sickness) and have spent the last 5 months vomiting up everything and anything, and even nothing. I haven't had the strength to get excited. All strength has been channelled into making sure I land the projectile's in the toilet bowl (and I haven't even been very good at that. Just ask Amba, who has been renamed ''mop boy''.)
But I'm getting better slowly, so am starting to get excited. Now that I'm starting to look preggas instead of just like I've had a really good lunch it's getting harder to ignore the fact there is another little one on the way.
Oh giddy gesus, what the heck have I got myself into?
(and that oh so life like photo is actually what the baby looks like now. Scary. Could get a role as an extra in an alien movie.)

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