Sunday, May 13, 2007

A very homely weekend

We got rain.

We did some baking.

I got my sewing mojo back.

All the clothes are op-shop acquisitions. Then I just spent the arvo doing running stitch while watching My Mother Frank on tellie. it was mother's day, so I was allowed to ignore all other obligations (eg. child) and get stuck into some stitching goodness.
Sadly (but happily) I'm giving the clothes away. Apart from the fact they wouldn't fit me, they're another birthday present. They'll be shoved into the post tomorrow and should land rather belatedly on someone's lap about midweek. They will then be the hottest dressed hoochie mamma in town.
They are shocking photos of the clothes. I may be get getting my sewing groove back, but the photography of inanimate objects still lacking. Note to self: polish skills (or cease photographing things that don't smile for the camera.)

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